Her robust fascination for the surviving architectural monuments in and around Ahmedabad inspired her to take an initiative that has catapulted her into limelight; an initiative that changed the dynamics of music festival in Ahmedabad where art truly meets activism.

   Earnestly awaited by music aficionados of Ahmedabad, the ‘Craft of Art’ music festival is held every year sometime during the UNESCO-designated World Heritage Week. What began in 2010 as an experiment has become an important date in the cultural calendar of Ahmedabad.

   Craft of Art is the brainchild of Birwa Qureshi nee Shah, 43, with the passion of exposing the young and old to the lofty Sufi musical traditions of India as also the exquisite heritage monuments. Says Birwa, “The idea was to reunite the citizens; both young and old, elite and common, with their rich heritage woven in the Sufi tradition and the monuments. It’s not just....

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