Wi-Fi has become a household word in the last few years, especially more now because of online education and communication. But a new star has arrived in the horizon which may sound the death knell of Wi-Fi. This is in the form of Li-Fi which is expected to displace the presently used Wi-Fi in the communication technology. Though we may not be aware, the air around us is choked with large blocks of data. Phone masts, radio towers, remote controls, taxi radios, airport beacons and many more communication devices pour forth enormous data. But as the demand for big data continues to increase immensely, a stage may be reached when everything could one day grind to a halt viz., the spectrum crunch. The main reason for this is due to the overwhelming demand for radio frequencies over which data can be transmitted, but the radio spectrum has a limitation that it can run out of available frequencies. To solve this problem, newer technologies are necessary to provide spectrum....

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