It was a warm summer afternoon when I lay curled up in my reading chair, and ‘The Scorpions’ was singing away: I can feel it everywhere Blowing with the wind of change. And then I remembered an interesting conversation I recently had with a young photo journalist - Nishal Lama - who got blown away by this wind of change to become what he felt was his karmic connect – a candid photographer. He grew up in the lap of the Himalayas of north-east India and came to Bangalore to become a doctor. But then the winds of change blew and this dreamy boy of 17 years decided to fly with his karmic wind. He enrolled himself into journalism major in his undergraduation, and in a matter of three years, he was busy looking for a post-graduate program in media. But the winds never ceased to blow, for he was still a couple of notches off track.

   During his post-graduation, Nishal realized he loved experimenting with the camera. It may have been a....

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