Family – cultural recognition: Ancient or modern, the culture never fails to systematically present various aspects and among that, one significant aspect is that of imparting knowledge, ideas and vision to the budding generation. The efforts required for this, have to take place at foundation level and for that, most cultures have recognized the family as the base unit of a community.

  Confucianism recognized the family as the basis of society. Espousing the well-known principle, “do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself,” he championed strong family loyalty, ancestor worship, respect of elders by their children and husbands by their wives. He envisioned, the system as concentric circles emanating from centre towards outwards; the ‘Superior man’, in centre, next the ‘Family’, then ‘Neighbourhood’, after that ‘Society’, ‘Nation’ and then ‘World’. The....

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