Everybody ought to learn self-hypnosis since the modern management experts advocate hypnosis as one of the best tools for self-development. Hypnosis was scientifically proved.

   During the Second World War, when there was no anesthesia, doctors used hypnosis on patients to overcome pain while performing operations. As early as in 1953, British Medical Association officially recognized Hypnosis as a therapeutic technique.

    In 1958, American Medical Association officially approved Hypnosis in the field of medicine and dentistry. Priya: What is hypnosis? Hypnotist: It is simply making others to do whatever one wants... Priya: In our place, it is called marriage! What is hypnosis? Hypnosis can be described as a state of mind in which suggestions are acted upon much more powerfully than is possible under normal conditions.

    By achieving a state of heightened focus and awareness and suppressing the....

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